Books. Tea. Cats. Scribbling.

Tea Time Links #2

Life proceeds apace here at Books & Tea. I’m posting this because at this point, I’m still in the middle of a book and have nothing ready to review. Grab a cup of tea and read these articles instead.

Book Links

  • Lara Elena Donnelly’s debut novel Amberlough comes out soon, and its book trailer is SMOKIN’. Oh god, this looks awesome.
  • Looking for spec-fic books that feature asexual or aromantic characters? Claudie Arsenault has got you covered with an entire database of aromantic and asexual speculative fiction.
  • This Strange Horizons panel discussion about what spec-fic’s focus on political systems and resistance can teach us as we head into an atmosphere of political instability is worth your time.
  • Rebecca Ruth Seidel’s guest post on The Bias examines the ways in which the “Farm Boy” trope intersects with, and contradicts, her own experience as a farmer and a woman who enjoys geek culture.

Tea Links

Life, the Universe and Everything Links

Have you found anything interesting you want me to share? Include a link in the comments!


Yuzu Green Tea from Lupicia


Ripe Mango Oolong from Lupicia

1 Comment

  1. Thanks for sharing my how to make matcha post, Christina! I’m glad it has lessened the mystery 🙂

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