Some thoughts about Rosmary Kirstein’s Steerswoman books and how they show the power of communal thinking and care.
In which I discuss my history with Pi Day, the pie I actually baked, and express nostalgia for pre-pandemic office life.
One of the things that gave me joy in 2021 was taking part in my local community garden. Here’s how I started, plus some photos.
Oh hey, four months. Huh. Lockdown has really fucked up our collective sense of time, hasn’t it? The summer is almost over but I never really got a chance to enjoy it, to luxuriate in it. I’m still here, still reading, still gardening, and — luckily — still employed. Other […]
Not a whole lot has changed in the last month now that we’re in lockdown from COVID-19. We’re still at home, and it looks like we’ll be staying that way for the conceivable future.